Letra José José – El Triste en inglés

That was sad to say goodbye
When adorabamos more …
To golondria migrated …
Presages the end …

That all looks sad without you,
The seas of the beaches are
It stained the color of gray
Today everything is loneliness.

I do not know whether to see you again later,
I do not know that my life will be
Without the blue lucero your being,
That I do not shine and,
Today I want to savor my pain …
Nooo, I compassion and mercy
The story of this love was wrote for eternity

That sad, all say that I am
That I am always talking about you
They do not know who to believe in your love, your love
He could help me to live, I was able to help me live.

Today I want to savor my pain, no, I compassion and mercy
The story of this love was wrote for eternity,
That all say that I am sad that I’m always talking about you
They do not know who to believe in your love in your love,
He could help me to live, I was able to help me live, I was able to help me live

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