Letra Metallica – Sorry

I know you hate me but there’s a reason I did that
These are not stand jealousy

I was not going to talk
see me as a lover

everything I do I do for you

without you I know what to do
I behaved very stupidly

is that with so many cards and songs you have to hate me
but as I sing what I feel

I need to see
know you’re alright

I know many love you know I’m one of them
but they love you for other reasons
in life there are more than sex

my intentions are not those
I like you I love you because

I love your eyes your smile
your hair and the list would not end up

I promise the world to the universe
I can say no but I will not give up

for you will fight the rest of my days

Forgive me if you fail you’re everything to me
sorry again and again

if this is not tell me you will love my songs
are just for you

no woman could make me happier

when you say that you like my heart hurts others
but to heal and I try and try again

I do not know how I love you all I like you

when they tell you about my past loves
if it were true but I did well

leave the best for the end only you

forgive me all I did was for love
did not know what to

very awkwardly to intimidate me do not deserve you
you deserve a man who can defend you

I only thing I can give is love

most valuable to me is you

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